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Panel's Closed at Another frogsex Convention
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Joined: 13 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 5:07 am    AIDS subject: Reply with quote

TehSmurphs wrote:


Even though I was only there friday, I second this.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 6:08 am    AIDS subject: Reply with quote


"...doing it for what they call 'LULZ'"
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Joined: 03 May 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 11:49 pm    AIDS subject: Reply with quote

bump for...activity?
"...doing it for what they call 'LULZ'"
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MC Scrotal Tuck
Warnings : 12

Elite Beat Nigra

Joined: 26 Oct 2006
AIDS: 2298
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Location: The Internet

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 12:13 am    AIDS subject: Reply with quote


That ghetto costume was fucking amazing.
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MC Scrotal Tuck
Warnings : 12

Elite Beat Nigra

Joined: 26 Oct 2006
AIDS: 2298
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 4:21 am    AIDS subject: Reply with quote



This was, in order of appearance, my friends Thompson, Chris, and The Internet as the Giant Enemy Crab.  This in fact IS the best skit of the con, and they got hosed by getting no prize.

Details of my journey to AAC later.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 8:34 pm    AIDS subject: Reply with quote

MC Scrotal Tuck wrote:


This was, in order of appearance, my friends Thompson, Chris, and The Internet as the Giant Enemy Crab.  This in fact IS the best skit of the con, and they got hosed by getting no prize.

Details of my journey to AAC later.


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Joined: 03 May 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 9:07 pm    AIDS subject: Reply with quote


The Internet stripping-


Crab battle-


Tuck's barrel roll-


Dr.Pyramid head House raping the dick in a box guy-


"...doing it for what they call 'LULZ'"
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Joined: 12 Oct 2006
AIDS: 2707
AIDS Rank: UltraNigger
Pools: 159
Location: On the dance floor, chargin mah lazer

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 9:36 pm    AIDS subject: Reply with quote

MC Scrotal Tuck wrote:


This was, in order of appearance, my friends Thompson, Chris, and The Internet as the Giant Enemy Crab.  This in fact IS the best skit of the con, and they got hosed by getting no prize.

Details of my journey to AAC later.

Lol win, though lack of a prize sucks. At MTAC that kind of crowd response would have guaranteed them a prize or two.
Contribute lol!

City of Afrolulz:

Rick Santorum wrote:
Nobody hates Rick and gets away with it.

"would you like to tell the judge that we made a giant floating peenus on your pretend video game lawn?"


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The Internet

Harbl's Harbls

Joined: 03 May 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 9:41 pm    AIDS subject: Reply with quote

Afroduck wrote:
MC Scrotal Tuck wrote:


This was, in order of appearance, my friends Thompson, Chris, and The Internet as the Giant Enemy Crab.  This in fact IS the best skit of the con, and they got hosed by getting no prize.

Details of my journey to AAC later.

Lol win, though lack of a prize sucks. At MTAC that kind of crowd response would have guaranteed them a prize or two.

we only got nominated for "crowd fav" and some inuyasha bullshit beat us due to 2 screaching fan girls.

shit sucks.
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MC Scrotal Tuck
Warnings : 12

Elite Beat Nigra

Joined: 26 Oct 2006
AIDS: 2298
Pools: 142
Location: The Internet

PostPosted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 11:53 pm    AIDS subject: Reply with quote

Friday we get there around two. We sign up without an issue, put stuff in the hotel. I roam around in my nigra garb a bit, and see Tiny con is fucking tiny. That's fine, though. It made things easier to roam. Nothing special, only one or two people look at me and react-- it was 1/100th of AB's reaction with 1/100th of its size.  So the Internet decides to break out the new and certainly epic costume: Giant Enemy Crab.  This costume was intentionally ghetto. My friend, Chris, cosplayed as Snake.  He roamed around with our friend, who went as a genome soldier, and both him and the Internet engaged in their first crab battle of the con.

Friday was a slow night until we got to my 4chan panel-- we had an hour to plan it out as I wanted, so I showed everyone what was going on, got cues and shit planned... Then out of nowhere, my friend has issues with the presentation and can't click it right.  The actionscript failed it, and everything was off to a ridiculously failed start.   It immediately goes from the main image to the pain series. I was like "HAHAHA Fuck. Wait."

I then looked to the box behind me and said, "But we did have a prize for you... damn, this is a big box-- what's in here Supreet (Nothing)?"  He had no clue.  I asked two other guys, no idea.  My friend as Snake pops out of the box, grabs my wireless mic and starts trash-talking everyone.  Erik (Internet), as the giant enemy crab, bursts out and yells "AW HELL NAH" and they have a crab battle again. The re-broke the knife we fixed with duct tape, and snake jumps over chairs. Erik just goes "FUCK THAT, I'M THE JUGGERNAUT, BITCH!" and smacks chairs out of his way. I was like "WTF." It was amazing.

Eventually, we got to the faux news jokes, the van 34, and then the topic about how we at poolsclosed stole that guy's eighth password.  Then, after a while, we brought out the de-aidsification process. I proceeded to do a human barrel roll while KFC buckets, dubbed as "Space Chikkunz", full of candy corn and other candy were thrown out to the crowd.  I have no aim though, thanks to landing hard enough to disorient me.  I went either into the ceiling or a wall.  I stopped after that and we went on.  We had contest one of two happen: We got all the women we could up to the stage and we had the contest of tits or gtfo.  No chicks flashed, as expected.  However, the Internet was there to save the day and did a little striptease for the /b/tards, and Nothing0011 proceeded to announce that everything had just gone fucking nuts.  Then, we had the "Who wants to date a /b/tard" contest.  I know, I know, inb4 facepalm.jpg amirite amirite?  No, you're wrong.   Here's why.

We picked the epic trap (different one from AB) to come up and be the chick-- he looked like a chick, and if I didn't see the eyebrow earlier, I would've never known.  He did an amazing job not being caught, something I wouldn't have been able to pull off.  We pick three people from the crowd-- anonymous, a tripfag, and the same meowith guy from CTcon (who showed up for some reason?  lawl, furfags.)  We had the audience ask the questions, they answered-- the most epic question of the night was this: "It's been a very rough night. We've re-enacted the torture scene from Reservior Dogs, the bring out the gimp scene from Pulp Fiction, and the raep scene from Clockwork Orange. Is it customary to kiss afterwards?"  The crowd ended up picking the tripfag, because no one wanted Meowith to actually win.  So I awarded them their all-expenses paid vacation (Yes, we really paid this much,) right out the panel. GTFO, you have been trolled.  They came back in.  I then announced they could give each other some words for each other... and started off with the "chick". He just says, "It's a trap."  Everyone who didn't know, including the tripfag, shat a brick.  I lol'd, so did everyone in on it.  Double-fucking-trolled.  So good.   We then had open discussion, where we all bullshitted a while. The Shaun from the cosplay court at CTcon (another story of massive lulz) panel was there, now as Justin Timberlake from the dick in the box video.  He got on stage and showed everyone what was inside the box-- a pic of Dick Cheney.  I lol'd hard, it was amazing.  we were gonna go on some more, but then EFG (again someone different than from AB) pops out of nowhere with a box, and it says "4chan party supplies."  He then said, "Oh hey guys, what's goin on in this room? Am I late for the 4chan panel? I bought some party supplies from this Mexican dude and I wanted to t--"  Then, my friend who was the genome soldier modified his costume, popped out with his fake revolver and yelled, "FBI! NOBODY MOVE!"  I ran out of there after yelling "OH FUCK", and to my surprise, people zerg rushed out with me.  I lol'd, it was a moment I wish I had on tape.  That night was pretty much done for me, but shit was amazing.  The panel could've been better, but people enjoyed it.  Unlike CTcon, shit was a success when everything fell apart. This was a good thing.

Saturday, we rolled around.  There was a concert of a band called Ikeda Katsu. They covered a good amount of game and animu songs. They were wicked cool in person, too.  They covered There She Is! by The Witches, which if any of you are familiar, that's quite the /f/ nostalgic moment.  So after their main show on Saturday, we went over to them and started talking, then Erik goes up on stage and tells them to start playing the hardest metal they could.  Once it started, he started reciting Dethklok lyrics, while I rocked the fuck out in a giant enemy crab suit.  We had to stop after a moment, but there is one thing proven to those who had went to that concert:  The Internet is the hardest metal known to man.

After that, there wasn't much of interest until the masquerade.  Before the show, and even during the show, I was in nigra garb.  I went out of the room for some fresh air, and saw the band playing out in the hallway nearby for lulz and cash.  I also recognized that they were playing "Asshole" by Dennis Leary.  As a nigra, staff of PC, and official con shenanigans engineer, I sang with them and got people to hang out with us.  Lulz were had, all were happy.  It was an epic moment.

For those of you unaware of these things, a masquerade involves costume wankery, skits, and sometimes music.  Internet, Snake and the genome soldier had a crab battle there.  Everyone was bullshit crazy for it, and everything else blew hard.  We didn't get the only thing we were nominated for-- the "Fan favorite" award.  We got jewed over by some guy who favored six squee-ing fangirls up front being the judge of who in the crowd was louder.   Even staffers were like "You got screwed, man."  We were pissed, but this just lead to us waiting for people to GTFO so Supreet could set up for the rave.  

So, as co-MC, I decided that everyone was going to chant crab battle before he started playing.  My exact words were as follows:  "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 2007 AAC rave.  Now we're all to celebrate having a good time tonight, but us who were rooting for the Crab Battle were pretty disappointed.  So before we get any music on, I want every single one of you to start chanting with me -- CRAB BAT-TLE!  CRAB BAT-TLE!"

People followed religiously, and all of a sudden it was on.  The lights were manual, so Erik and I decided how we were gonna flip them while we both went around having fun with the crowd.  Together, the three of us had the most fucking epic rave set, and about 95%-ish loved it, and is currently talking on the forums about it.  For fucks sake, the Director of Programming was dancing around in a viking hat to the Twinkie HO.USE!.  For the record, the maccaron chacarron house mix, World Hold On (Children of the Sky) and Holly Dolly (Ieva's Polka house mix)  made everyone shit bricks.  I even heard people singing World Hold On in the crowd.  People also sang  to one of the daft punk songs played while dancing, shit was incredible.  I don't think I've been happier, with everything we've accomplished, to see so many people having so much fun.  Part of me never wanted it to end.  Fuck, I even got to sign a chick's tits afterwards-- in which were surprisingly firm.  I'd hit it.  I went to bed that night with a controlled harbl, and many naughty thoughts rampant in my mind.

Sunday comes along, and Supreet was DJing a cosplay dance contest.  We planned that there was gonna be a dance battle of The Internet vs. Giant Enemy Crab, and snake would come on and kill me as payback for the time he lost at the masq.  Supreet then found out that we could run it if we wanted, because the other lady was too busy. We jumped on that shit, because that's how The Internet and I roll.  We MC'd again, and then in the middle of the show had our epic battle.  He started off, classy as usual.  Then I started dancing, paused, and tossed the crab head off, pulled my hat down, hand over my face and started dancing like a mo'fucker, and people actually cheered for me. I was thinking, "HOSHIT, RLY?  FAT MAN CAN DANCE?"  Then, as planned, Snake comes up and pistol whips me into "unconsciousness."  Then after a moment, I kick off my costume, get up, and the music turns to an MC Hammer house remix.  We all started to do the lawnmower-to-eggbeater shuffle, doing our best to turn that into the official ghetto dance of the con.  I handed out the prizes, and I awarded the talented breakdancer (who amazingly got runner-up) a Dildo and a few internets. Everyone was like "OMGWTFBBQ INTERNETS? HOT."  Then, I went to get the trophy, which I put the crab head over and walked out... I then said, "This is the winner's trophy... " started singing, "Take a look in-siiiiide..." whipped off the head and handed her the trophy while yelling, "AWWW, IT'S A FAMILY-ORIENTED PANEL!"  I also awarded her the Bubblegum Crisis 2040 Dildo, in which I have NO FUCKING CLUE what it's about and why it involves chicks and huge weapons, but whatever.   It wouldn't be an frogsex without it amirite amirite?

Then, there was closing ceremonies.  Either way, I reflected back at that convention and realized that this was another step in epic history.  We made our name at that con, got a little e-famous again, and were welcomed back with open arms for next year.  I got the Director of Programming's card, and I'm going to see about getting the band powerglove and The Kode Secret to play this coming year.  

Looking back, I had "Con AIDS" (meaning I was sore, mentally numb and a little sick) for a few days afterwards, and all of it I can distinctly remember.  I couldn't feel more accomplished, and I imagine neither could any of the other /b/rothas that joined Mr. He.ntai, Teh Smurphs, Nothing and I on this epic adventure to the small, new con known as Another Anim.e Con 2007.

People, PLEASE try to make it to this or Anim.e Boston-- the more of us, the more lulz, and the more epic events will happen.  I've already planned on organizing a zombie march and epic crab battle for AB this year.
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Joined: 12 Oct 2006
AIDS: 2707
AIDS Rank: UltraNigger
Pools: 159
Location: On the dance floor, chargin mah lazer

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 12:28 am    AIDS subject: Reply with quote

MC Scrotal Tuck wrote:

Lawl. Animu cons can be fucking awesome when you have the right crowd. As long as you keep things within relatively legal/non-liable parameters small cons can be the best places to try out crazy shit.

I will certainly be at AB one way or another and since this was so epic, probably AAC next year too. Should have a proper suit and fro by AB. and with luck a decent-looking duckbill thing too lol. I wanna see how people react to "Afroduck" wandering around the con.  :V
Contribute lol!

City of Afrolulz:

Rick Santorum wrote:
Nobody hates Rick and gets away with it.

"would you like to tell the judge that we made a giant floating peenus on your pretend video game lawn?"


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The Internet

Harbl's Harbls

Joined: 03 May 2007
AIDS: 280
AIDS Rank: AIDS Control Team Leader
Pools: 14

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 12:36 am    AIDS subject: Reply with quote

MC Scrotal Tuck wrote:
Friday we get there around two. We sign up without an issue, put stuff in the hotel. I roam around in my nigra garb a bit, and see Tiny con is fucking tiny. That's fine, though. It made things easier to roam. Nothing special, only one or two people look at me and react-- it was 1/100th of AB's reaction with 1/100th of its size.  So the Internet decides to break out the new and certainly epic costume: Giant Enemy Crab.  This costume was intentionally ghetto. My friend, Chris, cosplayed as Snake.  He roamed around with our friend, who went as a genome soldier, and both him and the Internet engaged in their first crab battle of the con.

Friday was a slow night until we got to my 4chan panel-- we had an hour to plan it out as I wanted, so I showed everyone what was going on, got cues and shit planned... Then out of nowhere, my friend has issues with the presentation and can't click it right.  The actionscript failed it, and everything was off to a ridiculously failed start.   It immediately goes from the main image to the pain series. I was like "HAHAHA Fuck. Wait."

I then looked to the box behind me and said, "But we did have a prize for you... damn, this is a big box-- what's in here Supreet (Nothing)?"  He had no clue.  I asked two other guys, no idea.  My friend as Snake pops out of the box, grabs my wireless mic and starts trash-talking everyone.  Erik (Internet), as the giant enemy crab, bursts out and yells "AW HELL NAH" and they have a crab battle again. The re-broke the knife we fixed with duct tape, and snake jumps over chairs. Erik just goes "FUCK THAT, I'M THE JUGGERNAUT, BITCH!" and smacks chairs out of his way. I was like "WTF." It was amazing.

Eventually, we got to the faux news jokes, the van 34, and then the topic about how we at poolsclosed stole that guy's eighth password.  Then, after a while, we brought out the de-aidsification process. I proceeded to do a human barrel roll while KFC buckets, dubbed as "Space Chikkunz", full of candy corn and other candy were thrown out to the crowd.  I have no aim though, thanks to landing hard enough to disorient me.  I went either into the ceiling or a wall.  I stopped after that and we went on.  We had contest one of two happen: We got all the women we could up to the stage and we had the contest of tits or gtfo.  No chicks flashed, as expected.  However, the Internet was there to save the day and did a little striptease for the /b/tards, and Nothing0011 proceeded to announce that everything had just gone fucking nuts.  Then, we had the "Who wants to date a /b/tard" contest.  I know, I know, inb4 facepalm.jpg amirite amirite?  No, you're wrong.   Here's why.

We picked the epic trap (different one from AB) to come up and be the chick-- he looked like a chick, and if I didn't see the eyebrow earlier, I would've never known.  He did an amazing job not being caught, something I wouldn't have been able to pull off.  We pick three people from the crowd-- anonymous, a tripfag, and the same meowith guy from CTcon (who showed up for some reason?  lawl, furfags.)  We had the audience ask the questions, they answered-- the most epic question of the night was this: "It's been a very rough night. We've re-enacted the torture scene from Reservior Dogs, the bring out the gimp scene from Pulp Fiction, and the raep scene from Clockwork Orange. Is it customary to kiss afterwards?"  The crowd ended up picking the tripfag, because no one wanted Meowith to actually win.  So I awarded them their all-expenses paid vacation (Yes, we really paid this much,) right out the panel. GTFO, you have been trolled.  They came back in.  I then announced they could give each other some words for each other... and started off with the "chick". He just says, "It's a trap."  Everyone who didn't know, including the tripfag, shat a brick.  I lol'd, so did everyone in on it.  Double-fucking-trolled.  So good.   We then had open discussion, where we all bullshitted a while. The Shaun from the cosplay court at CTcon (another story of massive lulz) panel was there, now as Justin Timberlake from the dick in the box video.  He got on stage and showed everyone what was inside the box-- a pic of Dick Cheney.  I lol'd hard, it was amazing.  we were gonna go on some more, but then EFG (again someone different than from AB) pops out of nowhere with a box, and it says "4chan party supplies."  He then said, "Oh hey guys, what's goin on in this room? Am I late for the 4chan panel? I bought some party supplies from this Mexican dude and I wanted to t--"  Then, my friend who was the genome soldier modified his costume, popped out with his fake revolver and yelled, "FBI! NOBODY MOVE!"  I ran out of there after yelling "OH FUCK", and to my surprise, people zerg rushed out with me.  I lol'd, it was a moment I wish I had on tape.  That night was pretty much done for me, but shit was amazing.  The panel could've been better, but people enjoyed it.  Unlike CTcon, shit was a success when everything fell apart. This was a good thing.

Saturday, we rolled around.  There was a concert of a band called Ikeda Katsu. They covered a good amount of game and animu songs. They were wicked cool in person, too.  They covered There She Is! by The Witches, which if any of you are familiar, that's quite the /f/ nostalgic moment.  So after their main show on Saturday, we went over to them and started talking, then Erik goes up on stage and tells them to start playing the hardest metal they could.  Once it started, he started reciting Dethklok lyrics, while I rocked the fuck out in a giant enemy crab suit.  We had to stop after a moment, but there is one thing proven to those who had went to that concert:  The Internet is the hardest metal known to man.

After that, there wasn't much of interest until the masquerade.  Before the show, and even during the show, I was in nigra garb.  I went out of the room for some fresh air, and saw the band playing out in the hallway nearby for lulz and cash.  I also recognized that they were playing "Asshole" by Dennis Leary.  As a nigra, staff of PC, and official con shenanigans engineer, I sang with them and got people to hang out with us.  Lulz were had, all were happy.  It was an epic moment.

For those of you unaware of these things, a masquerade involves costume wankery, skits, and sometimes music.  Internet, Snake and the genome soldier had a crab battle there.  Everyone was bullshit crazy for it, and everything else blew hard.  We didn't get the only thing we were nominated for-- the "Fan favorite" award.  We got jewed over by some guy who favored six squee-ing fangirls up front being the judge of who in the crowd was louder.   Even staffers were like "You got screwed, man."  We were pissed, but this just lead to us waiting for people to GTFO so Supreet could set up for the rave.  

So, as co-MC, I decided that everyone was going to chant crab battle before he started playing.  My exact words were as follows:  "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 2007 AAC rave.  Now we're all to celebrate having a good time tonight, but us who were rooting for the Crab Battle were pretty disappointed.  So before we get any music on, I want every single one of you to start chanting with me -- CRAB BAT-TLE!  CRAB BAT-TLE!"

People followed religiously, and all of a sudden it was on.  The lights were manual, so Erik and I decided how we were gonna flip them while we both went around having fun with the crowd.  Together, the three of us had the most fucking epic rave set, and about 95%-ish loved it, and is currently talking on the forums about it.  For fucks sake, the Director of Programming was dancing around in a viking hat to the Twinkie HO.USE!.  For the record, the maccaron chacarron house mix, World Hold On (Children of the Sky) and Holly Dolly (Ieva's Polka house mix)  made everyone shit bricks.  I even heard people singing World Hold On in the crowd.  People also sang  to one of the daft punk songs played while dancing, shit was incredible.  I don't think I've been happier, with everything we've accomplished, to see so many people having so much fun.  Part of me never wanted it to end.  Fuck, I even got to sign a chick's tits afterwards-- in which were surprisingly firm.  I'd hit it.  I went to bed that night with a controlled harbl, and many naughty thoughts rampant in my mind.

Sunday comes along, and Supreet was DJing a cosplay dance contest.  We planned that there was gonna be a dance battle of The Internet vs. Giant Enemy Crab, and snake would come on and kill me as payback for the time he lost at the masq.  Supreet then found out that we could run it if we wanted, because the other lady was too busy. We jumped on that shit, because that's how The Internet and I roll.  We MC'd again, and then in the middle of the show had our epic battle.  He started off, classy as usual.  Then I started dancing, paused, and tossed the crab head off, pulled my hat down, hand over my face and started dancing like a mo'fucker, and people actually cheered for me. I was thinking, "HOSHIT, RLY?  FAT MAN CAN DANCE?"  Then, as planned, Snake comes up and pistol whips me into "unconsciousness."  Then after a moment, I kick off my costume, get up, and the music turns to an MC Hammer house remix.  We all started to do the lawnmower-to-eggbeater shuffle, doing our best to turn that into the official ghetto dance of the con.  I handed out the prizes, and I awarded the talented breakdancer (who amazingly got runner-up) a Dildo and a few internets. Everyone was like "OMGWTFBBQ INTERNETS? HOT."  Then, I went to get the trophy, which I put the crab head over and walked out... I then said, "This is the winner's trophy... " started singing, "Take a look in-siiiiide..." whipped off the head and handed her the trophy while yelling, "AWWW, IT'S A FAMILY-ORIENTED PANEL!"  I also awarded her the Bubblegum Crisis 2040 Dildo, in which I have NO FUCKING CLUE what it's about and why it involves chicks and huge weapons, but whatever.   It wouldn't be an frogsex without it amirite amirite?

Then, there was closing ceremonies.  Either way, I reflected back at that convention and realized that this was another step in epic history.  We made our name at that con, got a little e-famous again, and were welcomed back with open arms for next year.  I got the Director of Programming's card, and I'm going to see about getting the band powerglove and The Kode Secret to play this coming year.  

Looking back, I had "Con AIDS" (meaning I was sore, mentally numb and a little sick) for a few days afterwards, and all of it I can distinctly remember.  I couldn't feel more accomplished, and I imagine neither could any of the other /b/rothas that joined Mr. He.ntai, Teh Smurphs, Nothing and I on this epic adventure to the small, new con known as Another Anim.e Con 2007.

People, PLEASE try to make it to this or Anim.e Boston-- the more of us, the more lulz, and the more epic events will happen.  I've already planned on organizing a zombie march and epic crab battle for AB this year.

amazing recap!

some side notes-

blip blip blip blip blip

ill make it up to you.. twice.

who can get the youngest chicks number


among other shenanigans.

had an amazing time <3
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Joined: 09 Jul 2007
AIDS: 38
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Location: masshole

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 12:40 am    AIDS subject: Reply with quote

Sounds like it was epic indeed.  Only sad I didnt get to see the barrel roll live.
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MC Scrotal Tuck
Warnings : 12

Elite Beat Nigra

Joined: 26 Oct 2006
AIDS: 2298
Pools: 142
Location: The Internet

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 12:46 am    AIDS subject: Reply with quote

The Internet wrote:

amazing recap!

some side notes-

blip blip blip blip blip

ill make it up to you.. twice.

who can get the youngest chicks number


among other shenanigans.

had an amazing time <3


That will be part two of the epic saga.

Last edited by MC Scrotal Tuck on Thu Oct 18, 2007 1:02 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 03 May 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 1:01 am    AIDS subject: Reply with quote

MC Scrotal Tuck wrote:
The Internet wrote:

amazing recap!

some side notes-

blip blip blip blip blip

ill make it up to you.. twice.

who can get the youngest chicks number


among other shenanigans.

had an amazing time <3


That will me part two of the epic saga.

HAHAHA oh god,I can't wait for part two.
"...doing it for what they call 'LULZ'"
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