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Joined: 13 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 12:24 am    AIDS subject: Reply with quote

TIKI wrote:
MudkipsAcronym wrote:
Jesus was a nigra. wrote:

Haha, you son of a bitch, I saw Poolsclosed in the referral logs and was wondering what was going on. VIP quality work here, sir.

Yeah, I'm getting all the PN scripts on there, will make some links and such soon, navigate the shitty index for now. I can also script up things upon request, so just let me know.
Speaking of getting scripts, can you get a script for a walking veicle which could fire a massive push lazer?

Also I'd need one to increase the maximum build limit.

When I get these, I'm gonna build a fucking GC

Walking vehicle? I dunno, never done anything like that, and I doubt it's possible - there are no custom animations in LSL IIRC. The way I've seen it done is this - you attach each "piece" to your own avatar, then it walks with you automatically. Doing that doesn't require a script - only you making whatever you want to walk and manipulating it via edit while you're wearing it until it's aligned properly.

The laser should be relatively easy though, I suppose, simply a toggle when you touch it or say something, have it turn on and push anyone in that radius. You want it to be a solid Shoop-style laser  Shoooop  Shoooop  Shoooop or a repeating sorta laser gun?

edit: there also seems to be one here but it requires a SL account. Since I can't get on SL (shit crashes) you could go there and rip the script and I could rig it up to push things. Or I could just ghettoise the laser from scratch. Your call.
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Joined: 29 Oct 2006
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Location: snuggling with edward cullen

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 4:38 pm    AIDS subject: Reply with quote

I was planning on something like this (The big insect robot) so it;d be a push style shoop lazer  Shoooop  Shoooop
I feel it in me... it's turning me into... a vampire...

I love the cock, please firmly place your hot throbbing cock into my rectum and slide it in and out until you ejaculate into my butthole.

FurNation FTW!!

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Joined: 13 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 3:14 am    AIDS subject: Reply with quote

Good luck on the giant enemy crab thing.

I'll try to script up a shoop-style laser.
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